Command line tools


Download a file of HTTP or HTTPS, in concurrent segments if supported by the remote server. Usage:

usage: downloader [-h] [-r RETRIES] [-n NUM_CON] [-s SEG_SIZE] [-v] url

Provides a console interface for downloading a file, possibly in segments.

positional arguments:
  url                   URL of file to download.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -r RETRIES, --retries RETRIES
                        Maximum number of attemps to fulfill request
  -n NUM_CON, --num-con NUM_CON
                        Maximum number of concurrent requests to the remote
  -s SEG_SIZE, --seg-size SEG_SIZE
                        Largest file size, in bytes, that will not trigger
  -v, --verbose         Verbose logging

Interact with a mattermost server. Usage:

  usage: mattermost [-h] [-a ATTACHMENTS] [-r RETRIES] [-t TIMEOUT]
                    [--team-name TEAM_NAME] [--channel-name CHANNEL_NAME] [-v]

  Interact with a Mattermost server. Not all possible combinations of arguments
  will make sense, avoid those that do not make sense. The message to post, if
  any, will be read from <STDIN>.

  positional arguments:

  optional arguments:
    -h, --help            show this help message and exit
    -a ATTACHMENTS, --attachments ATTACHMENTS
                          File to attach. Argument may be repeated to attach
                          multiple files.
    -r RETRIES, --retries RETRIES
                          Maximum number of attemps to fulfill request
    -t TIMEOUT, --timeout TIMEOUT
                          request timeout
    --team-name TEAM_NAME
                          Mattermost team name. Will override MATTERMOST_TEAM_ID
                          environment variable.
    --channel-name CHANNEL_NAME
                          Mattermost channel name. Will override
                          MATTERMOST_CHANNEL_ID environment variable.
-v, --verbose         Verbose logging

Kill a job started with if it has been running too long. Usage:

Usage: ./ [-g] [-v]  -t <timeout in seconds> [ -m <email addr>] [ -f <lockfile> ] -c <command>"

Kill a long-running job started with

required arguments:
  -c COMMAND              Command as passed to
  -t TIMEOUT              Time, in seconds, job is allowed to run

optional arguments:
  -f LOCKFILE             Path to the lock file. If not specified, use the
                          default. If a lockfile is provided and the job has
                          been running too long, I will attempt to remove the
                          lockfile after killing the job.
  -m ADDRESS              Address to email when a job is killed
  -g                      Kill job by group id rather than process id
  -v                      Print more stuff


Update a collection of configuration files stored in a remote repository. See the annotated config file for details. Usage:

usage: [-h] [--svnurl SVNURL | --url URL] [--user USER]
                        [--passwd PASSWD]

I look after a config file.

positional arguments:
  config           Local config path

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  --svnurl SVNURL  Subversion URL of config file
  --url URL        URL of config file
  --user USER      Username
  --passwd PASSWD  password